About us


Eureka System develops customised solutions for industrial automated systems. By tailoring software development and integrating various innovative technologies, Eureka provides manufacturing companies with technical solutions that meet their specific problems.

The company was founded in Treviso in 2004 as a System Integrator. Initially, the company focused solely on industrial Automation, concentrating on the development and integration of OT systems, PLC command and control software, and HMI interfaces for OEMs and automatic system manufacturers. Since the first regional collaborations in Veneto, Italy, to numerous business trips around the world, Eureka System has gradually established itself in Italy as a company capable of concretely developing tailor-made innovations.

Thanks to the specific skills acquired in its first industrial markets (Wood, Steel and Food) and a solid and effective working method, over the years the company has also competently addressed other industrial sectors, including Automotive, Logistics, Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Marine. Over the years, there has been no shortage of projects developed in collaboration with leading companies and universities.

The know-how of our technicians and their ability to look at projects with a holistic approach have always been our most important assets. Thanks to them, we have been able to carry out many projects, some so complex and critical that we could call them real challenges.

Alongside the expansion of its target markets, Eureka System has also expanded its offering in terms of OT solutions, services, and technologies used and integrated. This has allowed us to develop in-house broad and diversified sectorial expertise. Years of industrial software development and Automation and Robotics projects have led us to acquire specific technical skills in many areas and technology fields, enabling us to design, develop, and integrate tailor-made solutions for the most diverse production processes.

We aim to innovate companies with a 4.0 and 5.0 focus while preserving their peculiarities and effectively maintaining their established production methods. This leads us to relate to customers as partners rather than suppliers and to conceive and implement interconnected systems that fit perfectly into their specific context.

Each project, even the most complex, is undertaken using a working method consolidated over many years of hands-on experience. This method enables us to engineer and develop solutions for and with our customers in a partnership that values collaboration and listening.

The search for innovative solutions has always been a cornerstone of our corporate philosophy. This is why AgiLAB was born: AgiLAB is a robotic R&D laboratory that serves as our internal testing environment for new technologies and as a showroom for our customised software solutions. Custom-developed and integrated with various state-of-the-art technologies, AgiLAB is the concrete expression of our technical and software expertise.

For us, Automation presents challenges, not limits